
Posts Tagged ‘rockaways’


Many, many hours were spent in the last 72 getting critical information to friends still stranded in some of the most damaged areas in Hurricane Sandy’s path. No power. Running low on food. No heat. Trees in their houses. And without fail-stories of neighborly love and cooperation.   My role? Reports back to their family and friends so they didn’t have to use precious power to do it. I’ve proudly been the communication hub.

Which gas station has fuel available? What is the Mayor reporting on? Where can people volunteer? Which subways are running? Who has power? Was his car damaged? What’s the emergency number for FEMA? Have you spoken to her and does she have heat?

Without access to up-to-date information like the rest of us with power, it is very isolating. For example, it’s kind of important to know that the National Guard is coming for you. It has been heart-wrenching. Imagine believing that you have been forgotten by the government. Believing no one was reporting on the devastation outside your door. <gulp> The idea of being forgotten really struck a nerve with me. In fact, each time I talked about, I could barely breathe.

So powerless. I have cried so many times this week and simply contributed where I could.

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